I was just concluding my ministry for Sunday morning before my afternoon meeting and as I often did I stepped over to the kingdom hall next door to speak to the friends. A young sister, named Car’Lexis, was often in the groups I arranged for the evening field ministry, I thought of her as my little sister and admired her zeal for Jehovah and the ministry. I had been encouraging her to reach out and spend more time with the sisters in her new congregation. Her meeting was ending just before mine began so we had a little time to chat. She asked if I was going to be doing evening witnessing that week and I let her know that I was. Then I asked if she had been spending time with the sisters in her congregation. She was happy to tell me that she was. “Yes! I’ve been out in service with Zora. Do you know her?” She asked. After thinking for a moment I told her, “No, but that’s great.” She asked, “Do you want to meet her?” Again I responded, “No.” In her excitement she pulled me into the Kingdom Hall, “come on!”
Car’Lexis had been going out in the field ministry with me regularly at this point. Occasionally, she would ask me if I would join her and her brother with some friends in the field ministry in the evening. I would always say, “Uh hm, I guess.” This particular Sunday two of my friends, Shannon Matthews and Cassandra Johnson came to visit me for the day all the way from Alabama. I was so excited making plans with Shannon when out of the corner of my eye someone was approaching. As I turned, I saw Car’Lexis. She said, “Zora, this is Brian. Brian, this is Zora. You promised we would go out in field service together one evening. So, are you going to go with me or not?” I said, “Yea.” I think Brian said, “Uh hm, I guess.” Car’Lexis said, “Well, I’m going to let y’all workout the day and time and let me know.” At that point she turned and walked away leaving Brian standing right there. We all watched her walk away. I said, “Did she just…
So, before this conversation could take the wrong turn, I said, “Hi, my name is Brian McDowell. Does Wednesday evening work for you?” She said, “Sure.” I introduced myself to one of the sisters visiting and quickly got out of there.
Wednesday evening ended up only being three of us, (me, Car’Lexis, and Brian), because everyone else went home. We had a great time. And from that point forward Car’Lexis asked me if I would join the 5:00 AM Saturday morning field service group. That’s how Brian and my friendship gradually took shape. We remained friends for the next few years.